When asked which organisations, groups, or corporations are helping solve environmental issues, it’s obvious companies and brands need to do more than throw money at campaigns boasting about their #CSRInitiative #environmental or #sustainability projects.
20,525 people across Australia, UK, USA, China, Germany and South Africa recently participated in a study by The Media Precinct and very few of these people could name a single corporate company that was leading the way. Many could name the companies that were contributing to their concerns.
Glenda Wynyard was the lead researcher for this project and is this week's contributor to global agency network, TheNetworkOne's Sustainable Development Group's series of essays on the topics of #climatechange #substainability #sustainablebrands and #sustainablebusiness
You can read Glenda's insights here: https://thenetworkone.com/.../the-environment-today-the.../
If you would like to learn more, Glenda can be contacted by emailing her at gwynyard@mediaprecinct.com.au
